Welcome to Mystery Fossils. Do you have a fossil that
defies identification? If so, Email some photos and a description to billheim@xfossils.com .
John Tate
John Tate found this interesting but unidentified
fossil on a road cut near Brookville Lake Indiana.
It was found in the Waynesville formation -upper Ordovician.
The slab on which it was found appears to be part if
a (sea) bottom hash.
Other fossils - typical upper Ordovician Cincinnati
fauna. The slab also has thin bryozoans and a small piece of Isotelus
shell on it. Best guess to date: part of a starfish arm.

Send your thoughts on what this is to John Tate at billheim@xfossils.com
George Palickar
I found this on 6/5/2004 near a large excavition in
northeast Pennsylvania. Is it bone or wood? Rock may have been baked
in a coal fire. Found near an ash deposit. The branchlike structure
when seen from the end has granite-like crystals, and is lighter than
the surrounding rock. The boards the rock is resting on are ~3.5"
in width. Any ideas?

Looking from the left side, the composition is granite-like, with an
oval X-section.
Click HERE for more
views, close-ups and speculation on the nature of this fossil.
Renee Yaeger
I found a possible tree (lepidodendron tree),
middle Pennsyvanian Period aprx. 307 mil yrs old. Many found in
Kentucky and West Virginia also Kanawha formation. My parents
say it was Pikeville, KY that the family lived, but they are no longer
there. Sorry. The date found was June 1975.
Note from Editor: I am wondering if this might be a
different genera than Lepidodendron. Can anyone identify
it from the pictures?

Click here for more views and closeups of this
My name Maciek and I'm from Poland.
Those Lepidodendron genera is Diaphrodendron sp.
... and tree fragment on image is called Ulodendron too.
Thanks Maciek!!! - Moderator
If you know the genera and/or species for this
fossil, contact Renee at lepidodendron@xfossils.com
Warren Root
This stone was found during the 1970's in my back
yard. My residence at that time was located approximately 10 miles
southwest of downtown Richmond, VA and just south of U.S.Route 60. The
location found may have been its original location or it could have
been transported to that location. Note the uncanny likeness to a

Click here for six other
different angles of this stone.
Send your ideas, comments and questions to Warren at wldroot@aol.com or mail him at...
Warren Root
3924 Fordham Road
Richmond, VA 23236
My name is Andrew. I have found a fossil that is very hard to
identify. I found this fossil at an elementary school. I
want to know if I should scrape away all the rock particles that
surround the fossil. My fossil is about two and a half inches by one
inch. My fossil is brown with some dark black.
I found this fossil at Sugar Hill Elementary School
off of Old Country Road in Moreno Valley Ca.. The school sits down in
a valley and is surrounded by hills. This fossil was inside a
crevice about 3 feet deep.

Click on image for an enlargement.
Send your ideas, comments and questions to Andrew at SmithYoda@aol.com
Bill Heimbrock
The "Wedge with Ridges" microfossil. This
microfossil is abundant in a thin layer of the Arnheim Formation of
the Upper Ordovician rocks in Florence, Kentucky. The preservation is
unique to the " Cyclora Fossil Hash
" micromorph assemblage.

Here is all the
information about this interesting fossil.
Email your suggestions to billheim@cinci.rr.com