Welcome to Fossils On File. If you would like to offer your fossils for
scientific study, send pictures and descriptions to
Lisa Ellison
A Cordaite?, Wyoming County, WV
Diana Davey
Tooth of an American Mastodon
, Pontotoc, Mississippi
Bill Heimbrock
Algae from the Kope Formation!
Machaeridia Lepidocoleus jamesi
, Arnheim Formation
Mystery Wedges with
, Arhnheim Formation
Fossil Hash Layer
, Arnheim Formation
, Corryville Formation
Two-sided, Encrusted Nodule
, Kope Formation
If you are interested in performing research on these fossils or would like more
information, contact Bill Heimbrock at
Ron Fine
Pocket of Hebertella
, Fairview Formation
Catellocaula vellata
, Kope Formation
, Lower Whitewater Formation
If you are interested in performing research on these fossils or would like more
information, contact Ron Fine at
Bill Joley
Cephalopods of Texas
, Cretaceous Period
If you are interested in performing research of these fossils or would like more
information, contact Bill Joley at 903-839-3852
Martin Saffer
, Sharp's Knob, Pocahontas County, WV
If you are interested in performing research on these fossils or would like more
information, contact Martin Saffer at